Search Results
Crowdsourcing intelligence 1 - DNA and pitfalls of crowdsourcing
Crowdsourcing intelligence 2 - the right crowd, the right process
Crowdsourcing intelligence 3 - the right questions and the right attitude
Dan Koffler - Crowdsourcing intelligence gathering - Bitnorth 2011
Synthetron at CWS 2015 - 7 lessons in crowdsourcing
Corporate Management Tool: A Decade of Stories and Lessons in Crowdsourcing (CSW Global 2015)
How Crowdsourcing Aims to Cure Cancer (It Takes a Village)
RIIAA 2020: Computational Biology and Health
Who owns your DNA? - Truthloader Investigates
Deloitte Pixel - The Future of Crowdsourcing Platforms - Theme 3 - Recap
5 c 1 Big and crowd sourced data
The Big Data - 20 Innovations